
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

High School Prayer Banner Part 2

Hey guys, sorry I've been away for a while.

I want to bring you all up to speed on what's happened over in Cranston, RI.

Last time I spoke about this, I told you that the school subcommittee voted 4-1 to keep the banner.

Well now the official school board has made their final decision. 4-3 to keep the banner...

The banner's creator, David Bradley said it was meant to be non-denominational (ha!).

"I don't believe that prayer has hurt or injured or warped a single one of them. They are probably better citizens for having recited, read or even seen my prayer," David Bradley said.

"... the constitutional prohibition against laws respecting an establishment of religion must at least mean that in this country it is no part of the business of government to compose official prayers for any group of the American people to recite as a part of a religious program carried on by government."
- Justice Hugo Black


Has David Bradley ever been a judge of the US Supreme Court?

Now the city is going to have to find the money to fight an expensive legal battle with the ACLU. They're going to seek a lawyer who will do it pro-bono, but even if they do, they stll have to pay other court costs that will directly drained from school funding.

Once again, I'll point out that this isn't about forbidding religion or prayer in school. Students have every right to do so alone or with a group as long as it's not disruptive. School officials are the ones who are forbidden from endorsing religion. Keep in mind that the the violation of the establishment clause is not based on someone’s being offended or being able to avoid the prayers, but instead on the government’s involvement in and active promotion of a religious activity.

The school board committee said they were representing the majority opinion. Well the constitution wasn't written to protect the majority. It was made to protect the minority. This isn't American Idol.


  1. nice read, keep the posts coming man im following every day! :)

  2. Wow, I feel so bad for the kids in this district. There go your new textbooks, computer software, and after school programs. They'll learn the hard way that ignorance, while it may be bliss, costs dearly.

  3. I understand where this guy is coming from. He just doesn't give a damn. His god is above the law and therefore he is above the law. It never ends.

    Anyway, I just tried my first anti-religious post. It felt swell.

  4. I think that Thomas Jefferson is rolling in his grave right now...

  5. You last paragraph pretty much sums up the entire article.

  6. This is just retarded. Get rid of the banner already and display your prayers at home or in church. Problem solved.

  7. It's a shame that this has to continue. And on top of the the possibility of draining finance from the school to try and get it down.

  8. Wow what a giant waste of time. Its just a banner...They must have nothing else to do.

  9. Wow, just wow.
    Unbelievable that these people would have their head THAT FAR up their own asses. I really the hope the city doesn't help them fight this ridiculous court case.

  10. I can see why some people is upset over the banner

  11. stay out of my schools, there are schools for that... private schools. go away religious BS

  12. so how is this even possible. I guess it would be okay to hang a swastika flag too.

  13. Well said. Unfortunately whats "right" or "meant to be" means nothing. Provide enough misinformation to the majority and you have a group who believes in their cause, regardless of its validity. make that group believe they are right and the "others" are have a mob. try and tell that mob they are wrong, or at least should have an open mind.....well here we are.

  14. not gonna lie.. im not a fan haha :)

  15. Unbelievable how much controversy there is over things these days. Crazy stuff. Keep in touch!

  16. I think they all forgot what they learned in social studies/civics/american government class.

  17. mmm should be interesting how this all turns out!


  18. wow, I'm very surprised they voted to keep that. I can't imagine them winning a legal battle over it tho. we'll see, i guess

  19.'ll be interesting to c what happens with the lawsuit.

  20. What does nondemoninational even mean? I'll be checking back soon!

  21. i have to go with you here on the majority-minority thing. but honestly, they just fear the sh*tstorm that would come towards them.

  22. Having gone through the predominantly Catholic Irish school system, this kinda stuff really gets on my nerves. This is a great post though, keep it up :)

  23. Personally, im a neutralist and have no feelings one way or the other

  24. It's a shame, I'm so tired of people shoving religion down kids throats and having the officials and the people they are told to respect and look up to call down their opinions on their little minds.

  25. I went to a private school so my personal perspective isn't as ... direct. But If I imagine sending children to school, I better not hear they've been taught anyone's prayers. Public School is not a place to pray or to learn how to pray.

  26. typical religious douchebaggery

  27. Great post!! I wanna hear more!

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